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Cloud Readiness Assessment.

Kinetic IT

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Kinetic IT Cloud

Cloud Readiness Assessment.

Is your organisation ready to migrate to the cloud? Find out with our 5-minute Cloud Readiness Assessment.

It can be hard to cut through the noise in cloud.

We get straight to the point with our Cloud Readiness Assessment. In just 17 essential questions, you’ll gain a clear understanding of your organisation’s readiness to move to the cloud. The questions are based on the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF). The CAF is the gold-standard, structured approach to cloud adoption and offers guidance and best practices based on 6 key perspectives – Business, People, Governance, Platform, Operations and Security.

Your custom report.

After completing the assessment, you’ll receive a detailed report outlining your organisation’s readiness to migrate to the cloud, including any potential gaps in your cloud migration plan and your recommended next steps. Your custom report also includes links to the best AWS resources, hand-selected by our cloud experts.