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Global SIAM Survey 2023.

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This whitepaper presents the results from the sixth annual Scopism Global SIAM survey, carried out in 2023. The survey results are based on the responses from 200+ people from 33 countries, reflecting the global nature of the SIAM community. We would like to thank everyone who responded to the survey for their input, and for helping us to build a picture of SIAM maturity and adoption.

As sponsor, Kinetic IT is proud of its dedication to supporting research and thought leadership in the field of SIAM. Each year, the SIAM survey includes four sections:

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1. Demographics

A breakdown of who the survey respondents are, where they are located, and related information including salary, title, and size of organisation.

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2. Responses from organisations who are not using SIAM, but plan to use it

Including the benefits they expect to achieve , how long they expect the SIAM transition to take, and the challenges they believe they will face.

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3. Responses from organisations who are using SIAM

Including how long it took them to adopt SIAM, the type of service integrator structure they adopted, and the benefits they have realised.

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4. Responses from organisations who sell SIAM consultancy or solutions

Including what their clients expect from SIAM adoption, the challenges they typically face and the skills they need.

Kinetic IT can help your organisation get more value through Service Integration and Management. Contact our SIAM experts to find out how SIAM can harmonise your IT ecosystem.

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