Kinetic IT, sponsor of the 2022 Scopism Global SIAM Survey, works with a range of organisations and industries in the Service Integration and Management (SIAM) space. Our SIAM specialists, Michelle Major-Goldsmith and Simon Dorst, outline in this insight why the survey is so important to the IT industry.
In its fifth year, Scopism has released the SIAM Global Survey for 2022. The survey provides an invaluable view of the state of SIAM, building a picture of global trends within the industry and SIAM market.
At Kinetic IT, we are delighted to be the sponsor of the SIAM Global Survey for the second time, supporting our commitment to building knowledge and the sharing of information and practices around Service Integration and Management across the globe.
SIAM, or Service Integration and Management, is the practice of creating the capability to manage complex, multi-sourced service models within an organisation. Originally codified in freely available bodies of knowledge, SIAM has seen rapid uptake across the globe in organisations keen to enable a more coordinated approach to managing service providers.
Last year, the SIAM Global Survey attracted responses from more than 200 SIAM practitioners from 32 countries. It provided insight into their objectives for building SIAM models, approaches taken, and challenges overcome.
It also showed the state of the global takeup of SIAM, looking at the demographics of these professionals, their roles, salaries, and level of education and training.
RELATED CONTENT: Global SIAM Survey: 9 surprising insights from the SIAM community
This data was gathered by asking questions like:
This year, we’re looking to see what shifts have taken place in the global SIAM community in the past 12 months, and what may be on the horizon for the industry to look ahead to.
The survey allows SIAM practitioners and organisations to share their experiences, and benefit from insights from other organisations to either include when building their business case and SIAM transformation plan (i.e., beforehand) or, conversely, to validate results achieved and outcomes obtained against global trends.
The questions and results are presented in three categories, taking into account different stages of adoption and maturity. They consider:
Each section offers different questions, relevant to those organisations and their stage or journey.
The survey has now launched and is open until Sunday, 7 August, giving the audience a few weeks to respond and complete the questions. It’s open to anyone who has an interest in SIAM, whether they are already fully invested, in the middle of a transition, thinking about it or very much just hearing about it.
Participation brings benefits; not only will you help to shape an understanding of SIAM adoption across the world, but you will also get free access to the results and white paper. The more practitioners participate, the more the results will represent the status of SIAM and how it is evolving.
Once the survey closes and the results are collated, a panel of global experts will review them and provide their insight and comments. This analysis will highlight trends and significant changes, based on previous surveys and their industry experience. Kinetic IT will participate in this panel through some of our expert practitioners (many of who have contributed to the SIAM community over past years), but also some of our customers who are operating SIAM environments.
These insights add further qualitative value to the survey results, making them easier to digest and easier to use in SIAM strategies and plans for transformation or improvement.
“The outcomes of the global survey have reinforced the integral role SIAM plays in the digital transformation of organisations, with an increasing focus on consumer value, and further blending of IT and non-IT service delivery across complex, multi-provider ecosystems.”
Kinetic IT Chief Executive Michael North
The survey results and white paper will be published around September, accompanied by various blogs, vlogs and other expert guidance which allow the survey results to be translated into meaningful messages and findings that you can share within your organisation.
Keep an eye on the Kinetic IT website and our social media as we will be sharing information and details about this year’s survey, where to obtain the survey white paper results, and where to hear and see more of Kinetic IT’s expert analyses of the survey results for the Australian market.
You can also visit Scopism’s website to get a copy of last year’s survey.
Considering SIAM for your organisation? Read more from Michelle and Simon: SIAM Archetypes whitepaper: grow your service integration success
Michelle Major-Goldsmith has more than 25 years’ industry experience and has worked on almost every continent across the globe. Originally from a social sciences background, Michelle crossed over into IT with a Masters in Computer Based Information Systems.
Michelle is engaged ostensibly in the consulting and training space. She is passionate about service management, and all best and enabling practices.
Follow Michelle Major-Goldsmith on Twitter: @MMG9898
Simon Dorst is an IT professional with 30 years of international experience in IT service management. Originally from the Netherlands, Simon became ITIL-trained and certified in 1992, and has since spent most of his career educating and advising people and organisations throughout the Netherlands, Singapore and Australia on the benefits of service management and its application.
Simon’s current role is Manager, Service Management Services at Kinetic IT and is an accredited training provider and examination centre for ITIL and SIAM courses. Simon plays a key role in developing and delivering ITIL and SIAM training to internal Kinetic IT employees and external participants across Australia and is also an ITIL, EXIN and BCS examiner.
Follow Simon Dorst on Twitter: @ITILZealot