Kinetic IT has recently introduced an Innovation Continuum to formalise and anchor our discussions in a common language both internally and within our customers. The outcome is increasingly effective and purposeful dialogue regarding continuous improvement and innovation.
By introducing this framework, we have been able to clearly differentiate between small and incremental changes that are more aligned to continuous improvement, and disruptive and breakthrough changes that would be more generally viewed as innovation. Our view is both are equally important.
In addition, it is important to differentiate between innovations that can be initiated and approved at a day-to-day operational level, versus the more complex or larger changes that require business case approval, commercial consideration or more cross-functional engagement within our customer accounts.
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The Innovation Continuum
In terms of how we hardwire this approach into how we operate, the framework provides clarity and focus at all levels of engagement across the organisation and remains consistent, from our Board of Directors to our account teams. Examples of how we embed this approach include:
- Introduction of this model to all customers, and regular discussions at both operational and strategic review phases with key accounts.
- Continuous improvement and innovation also form a key component of our account strategy and horizon plans. This includes upskilling our teams on commercial acumen to help them understand the business benefits of continuous improvement and innovation, and to assist our customers in shaping and articulating their business cases.
- Account leadership make continuous improvement and innovation an ongoing agenda item, and share key progress or initiatives at customer meetings. As the leaders guiding our accounts, they are directed and encouraged to share examples between customers.
- As well as overall customer satisfaction scores from our customers, our FY24 business plan includes specific measures regarding Strategic Alignment and Innovation. These measures form part of the executive and senior leadership score card that is tied to performance incentives.
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To bring this model to life, the table below provides some representative examples of innovations mapped to the Innovation Continuum that we use in conversation with customers.
Want to find out more? Contact us to discuss how we can deliver for your organisation.
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