In December 2010 Metro Trains Melbourne (Metro) awarded Kinetic IT preferred supplier status for Service Desk services. The selection process involved a restricted tender and a detailed evaluation that took place over several months.
Metro are responsible for Melbourne’s metropolitan train network, operating 150 six-carriage trains and servicing over 200 million customers per year. The Metro train network encompasses over 830km of track and 212 stations throughout Melbourne.
Due to a number of constraints, Metro required take-up of Service Desk services to be undertaken by 31 January 2011. Despite this restricted timeframe, Kinetic IT planned and executed a successful transition, including:
- Configuration and fit-out of staff accommodation
- Allocation and recruitment of required staff
- Installation and configuration of telephony services to support the Service Desk
- Provision of network connectivity between Metro and Kinetic IT
- Staff induction, training and client familiarisation
- ITIL process and service management tool reviews.
Feedback from Metro on the quality of services delivered to date and the overall smoothness of the transition process has been overwhelmingly positive, and Kinetic IT look forward to continuing to build on this strong foundation over the term of the contract.