Insights: Announcement

Successful Transition – Northern Territory Government

Following a consultation process spanning 2008 and 2009, the Northern Territory Government (NTG) went to market for a multi sourced service delivery model, providing service to the whole of government. Kinetic IT was successful in winning the very important Service Centre component of this new delivery model in early 2010 and as such is now the primary interface between the wide range of government departments and service providers in the 14 different IT and telecommunication related contracts.

Having taken the first ‘live’ calls on 1 June 2010 Kinetic IT is now in full operational mode following the Transition sign off that took place officially on 30 November 2010. This also marks the commencement of Kinetic IT’s Continual Service Improvement program to assist the NTG in continuing to transform the services across the life of the contract.

The success of the transition is very deserving of commendation. Kinetic IT has received praise for not only setting up tools and processes to monitor and manage the Service Centre for which we are responsible, but also for proactively engaging with the range of service providers and government departments for whom services are provided.

Kinetic IT is looking forward to the level of service continuing to grow and improve and also expanding to provide more services offerings to additional customers across the top end of Australia.

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